Playdays Preschool
Playdays Preschool 

A typical day at Playdays Preschool

A daily routine gives children a sense of security. This is why we ensure each day is properly structured while leaving enough time for spontaneous activities.



9.00-9.15am        Children arrive for registration. 

News is shared and we welcome one another with songs and rhymes.

9.15-11.15 am     Children select their own activities both indoors and outdoors. 

                      A focused, adult led activity takes place for the older children.

This encourages confidence and independence.

10.00 am.             A snack bar is available for children to come and share a drink

and healthy food with their friends.

This helps children make choices and encourages independant physical movement

10.30 am              Stories are told using a variety of media, e.g puppets, audio

and books.                               

Both new and familiar tales are recounted, reaffirming and extending the childrens learning.  This helps the childrens listening, attention and concentration.

10.30 am              STAR TIME

Star time has been created to help support our children with additional needs. Star time consists of around 5 activities created to encourage sharing, turn taking, speech & language and communication skills.

11.30am                Large group time.

This activity includes musical movement, physical group activities and dance.

This is a really good time for the children to express themselves and cut loose with their friends in a safe and secure environment.


12.00 -1.00pm    Lunch time - Children and staff sit together and enjoy

healthy lunches while chatting about their morning. 


12.30pm.              Afternoon session begins with registration for the new arrivals.

We sing our welcome song and begin the afternoon with circle time for the younger children.

Children are then encouraged to explore the activities on offer.


1.00pm                 Morning children join the younger, afternoon session children 

to play together, this enables mutual learning and discovery.

1.15 pm                Snack bar. Children are offered a drink and a healthy snack.


2.30pm                 Story/music time


2.30pm                 Star time for younger children


2.45- 3.00pm      Home time


The activities are changed for the afternoon session to ensure that the children have a wide range of experiences. 


The daily routine at a glance

The above 'routine' is a guide and is not 'set in stone'.  Each day is different and different learning experiences are planned, however sometimes opportunities for spontaneous learning cannot be overlooked which means that the routine will be changed.




Playdays Preschool
Friends Meeting House

10 Cedar Road




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